Education – EMF Advice Information and Advice about EMF Radiation Fri, 14 Jul 2023 08:48:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Education – EMF Advice 32 32 How Far Away Should Your Phone Be When You Sleep? Fri, 14 Jul 2023 08:48:48 +0000 Read more

Person sleeping with cell phone next to them

Imagine, it’s late at night, you’re nestled in your bed, the screen of your cell phone casting a soft glow in the dim room.

It’s a familiar scene for many of us. However, did you know that this seemingly harmless bedtime ritual could potentially be affecting your health and sleep quality? This raises the important question: how far away should your phone be when you sleep?

Short Summary

  • Sleeping with your phone nearby poses a variety of health risks, including increased cancer risk and disruption of sleep cycles.
  • Keeping the cell phone at least three feet away from your bed can reduce radiation exposure and improve sleep quality.
  • Strategies such as setting boundaries for phone usage, establishing a consistent nighttime routine, using blue light filters/glasses, reading books or listening to music before bed help create healthier sleeping environments.

I highly recommend you check out my article on the safe distance from a Wi-Fi router.

The Risks of Sleeping with Your Phone Nearby

The convenience of having your cell phone within arm’s reach, indeed, is tempting. It serves as your alarm clock, your late-night reading material, and your lifeline to the outside world. However, this convenience comes with a price.

Sleeping next to your phone has been associated with a range of potential health hazards, from radiation exposure to disrupted sleep cycles and negative impacts on mental health.

While it’s easy to dismiss these risks, the long-term consequences can be significant. Some potential effects of cell phone use include:

  • Increased cancer risk
  • Potential effects on mental and reproductive health
  • Disruption of melatonin levels, leading to trouble sleeping
  • Increased stress and anxiety due to constant connection to the outside world.

Cell Phone Radiation

cell phone radiation

Cell phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. Regardless, we must be aware of the potential risks they pose.

One such risk is exposure to cell phone radiation, which is also referred to as mobile phone radiation. When we use our cell phones, they emit a type of non-ionizing radiation called radio frequency energy.

When a phone is near your body, such as when you’re using it or when it’s in your pocket, you’re exposed to radio frequency energy.

Furthermore, when your phone has a weak signal, it attempts to “reach out” to cell towers by increasing its signal output. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the amount of radiofrequency energy it emits.

Considering that most of us use our phones throughout the day and keep them close during the night, the cumulative exposure can be significant.

Check out my guide on cell phone radiation protection.

Sleep Disruption

The same device that keeps us connected, informed, and entertained can also disrupt our sleep. One primary culprit is the blue light emitted from the screens of electronic devices.

This light can interfere with our sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, by suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycles.

The effects of this are not limited to trouble falling asleep. It can lead to restless nights, poor sleep quality, and even health issues over time, such as poor vision and headaches.

Moreover, overstimulation from scrolling through social media feeds or reading news articles can make it even harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Mental Health Impact

Beyond the physical effects, using your phone before bed can also impact your mental health. The constant connection to the outside world and exposure to potentially stressful or negative content can lead to increased anxiety and stress.

This phenomenon has been dubbed “doomscrolling”, where you stay awake late into the night, scrolling through unfavorable news stories and social media on your devices.

The immediate outcomes of this behavior can include exhaustion, agitation, and difficulty focusing. In the long term, chronic insomnia, which may arise from this habit, has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

The Ideal Distance for Your Phone During Sleep

An image showing the recommended distance of how far away should your phone be when you sleep from your bed for a better sleep quality.

After understanding the potential risks, the question arises – How far away should your phone be when you sleep?

The answer, as recommended by experts, is at least three feet away or even in a different room. This distance not only reduces potential health risks but also improves sleep quality.

At Least Three Feet Away

Maintaining your phone at least three feet away from your bed might seem a bit extreme, but it’s a small step that can make a big difference. This distance can prevent harmful radiation from interfering with the sleep cycle and enhance the quality of sleep.

Moreover, this distance also reduces the temptation to reach for your phone if you wake up in the middle of the night or have trouble falling asleep. It’s a simple yet effective way to limit your exposure to radiation and blue light, which, as we’ve discussed, can interfere with your sleep and health.

Alternative Room Placement

If you want to take it a step further, consider placing your phone in a different room while sleeping and turning on airplane mode.

This not only eliminates the potential risks associated with having your phone nearby, but it also creates a more peaceful sleep environment, free from the pings and buzzes of notifications.

Of course, this might be challenging, especially if you use your phone as an alarm clock. However, there are alternatives available, such as traditional alarm clocks, that can fulfill the same function without the potential risks associated with cell phones.

Strategies for Reducing Cell Phone Usage Before Bed

Strategies for Reducing Cell Phone Usage Before Bed

While keeping your phone at a safe distance is a good start, it’s also important to reduce cell phone usage before bed.

By implementing strategies that limit your screen time in the evening, you can decrease your exposure to blue light, minimize potential stress and anxiety from constant connectivity, and improve your overall sleep quality.

Starting with setting boundaries for phone usage, establishing a consistent nighttime routine, and using tools like blue light filters and glasses, you can take proactive steps to create a healthier sleep environment and improve your sleep habits.

Establish a Nighttime Routine

Establishing a consistent nighttime routine is a powerful strategy for reducing cell phone usage and improving sleep quality. A routine signals to your body that it’s time to wind down and transition to sleep, helping to regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

Your routine could include reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or even simple skincare rituals. The key is to find activities that relax you and signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep.

By doing these activities instead of scrolling through your phone, you can reduce your exposure to blue light and the potential stress and anxiety that can come with it.

Blue Light Filters and Glasses

Even with the best intentions, there might be times when you need to use your phone in the evening. In these instances, using blue light filters on your phone or wearing blue light blocking glasses can help.

Blue light filters are designed to reduce the amount of blue light emitted from your phone, and many phones now come with built-in settings to activate these filters automatically in the evening.

Understanding how blue light affects our eyes and sleep patterns, blue light blocking glasses serve the same purpose and can be especially useful if you also use other electronic devices in the evening, such as a laptop or tablet.

Setting Boundaries

Another important strategy is setting boundaries for phone usage in the bedroom. This can include rules like no phones in bed, turning off devices an hour before bedtime, or even keeping your phone on the other side of the room.

Setting these boundaries not only helps reduce exposure to blue light and potential stress from constant connectivity, but it also helps create a more peaceful and relaxing sleep environment.

By making the bedroom a phone-free zone, you can create a space that’s dedicated to rest and relaxation.

Alternatives to Using Your Phone in Bed

Person using traditional alarm clock instead of phone

While the strategies discussed above can help reduce phone usage before bed, it can also be helpful to consider alternatives to using your phone in bed entirely.

From traditional alarm clocks to relaxing activities that can replace scrolling through social media, there are many ways to reduce dependence on your phone at bedtime. Reading a book, listening to music, or even meditating can all be great alternatives to using your phone.

Traditional Alarm Clocks

One common reason mobile phone users, also known as cell phone users, keep their phones nearby during sleep is to use them as an alarm clock. However, traditional alarm clocks can serve the same purpose, without the potential risks associated with cell phones.

Moreover, using a traditional alarm clock can also help establish a more consistent sleep schedule. By setting a fixed wake-up time, you can regulate your internal clock and improve your overall sleep quality.

Relaxing Activities

Apart from using a traditional alarm clock, you can also consider other relaxing activities to replace phone use before bed. Reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or listening to soothing music can all help create a more peaceful sleep environment and reduce dependence on electronic devices.

These activities can not only help you wind down before bed, but also can have other benefits such as reducing stress, improving mental health, and even enhancing cognitive function. By replacing screen time with these activities, you can improve not just your sleep but also your overall well-being.

Creating a Healthier Sleep Environment

Person sleeping in a room with optimal conditions

Beyond phone usage, there are also other factors to consider when creating a healthier sleep environment. From the conditions of your room to the presence of other electronic devices, these factors can all impact your sleep quality and overall health.

Temperature, light, and noise levels should all be taken into account when creating a comfortable sleep.

Optimal Room Conditions

The conditions of your room play a crucial role in your sleep quality. Research suggests that the optimal bedroom environment for sleep is cool, quiet, and dark.

You can achieve these conditions in several ways, such as:

  • Using blackout curtains to block out light

  • Using earplugs or a white noise machine to reduce noise

  • Setting your thermostat to a cool temperature (between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit)

Making a few changes in your lifestyle can have a positive impact on your sleep quality and overall health. Better sleep eventually leads to improved well-being.

Minimizing Electronic Devices

Just like your cell phone, other electronic devices can also interfere with your sleep. The lights from digital clocks or the noise from a television can disrupt your sleep. Even the standby lights on devices can be enough to disturb some people’s sleep.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to minimize the presence of electronic devices in your bedroom. This doesn’t mean you have to completely remove all devices, but consider which ones are essential and try to eliminate or reduce the others.

This can help create a more relaxing environment and reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Also read: Benefits of turning Off Wifi At Night


From understanding the potential risks of sleeping with your phone nearby to exploring strategies for reducing phone usage before bed and creating a healthier sleep environment, we’ve covered a lot of ground.

It’s clear that while our phones have become an integral part of our lives, it’s important to set boundaries and use them responsibly, especially when it comes to our sleep.

Implementing these changes might require some effort and consistency, but the benefits are worth it. By prioritizing your sleep and well-being, you’re not just improving your sleep quality, but also promoting better health and productivity in your waking life.

So tonight, consider keeping your phone at a safe distance and embracing the calm, peaceful sleep environment you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far should your phone be when sleeping?

To limit exposure to radio frequencies, keep your cell phone at least 3 feet away from your bed and turn it off before you go to sleep or switch it to Airplane Mode. Doing this will help protect your health while you get some rest.

Is it OK to sleep beside my phone?

It is not advisable to sleep with your phone nearby as it can emit electromagnetic radiation which can affect sleep quality. To reduce exposure, put the phone in airplane mode or turn it off before going to bed.

How can I prevent cell phone radiation while sleeping?

Minimize your exposure to cell phone radiation while sleeping by keeping your phone out of your bedroom and setting it to airplane mode or turning it off entirely.
If you need an alarm clock, opt for a battery-powered one instead.

What alternatives exist to using a phone in bed?

Using an analog alarm clock and engaging in calming activities such as reading or practicing mindfulness are viable alternatives to using a phone in bed. These activities can help you relax and get a better night’s sleep, as well as reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone before bed.

What is the optimal temperature for a bedroom?

For optimal comfort in the bedroom, aim for a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.


  1. – “You Should Avoid Sleeping With Your Phone in Bed” URL:
  2. Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre – “How is Sleeping Next to Your Cell Phone Dangerous?” URL:
  3. Manipal Hospitals – “6 Health Impacts When You Sleep Next To Your Cellphone” URL:
  4. CBS News – “Cell phones & cancer: 8 dumb ways to boost possible risk” URL:
  5. King Koil – “Is it Safe to Sleep with a Phone Near the Pillow?” URL:
  6. Verywell Health – “Why You Should Not Sleep With Your Cell Phone at Night” URL:
  7. Sound of Sleep – “3 Reasons Why Sleeping Next to Your Phone Is a Bad Idea” URL:
  8. Pulse Nigeria – “Here’s why sleeping with your phone in bed can affect your health” URL:
  9. – “How Bad Is It Really to Sleep Next to Your Phone?” URL:
Do Microwaves Emit Radiation? The Ultimate Revelation! Sun, 18 Jun 2023 12:12:16 +0000 Read more

Do Microwaves Emit Radiation

Microwave ovens have become a staple in modern kitchens, but many people still harbor concerns about their safety. Are microwaves really emitting harmful radiation?

Microwaves do emit non-ionizing radiation, which doesn’t carry the same risks as ionizing types like X-rays. However, the same radiation that heats food can also warm body tissues.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the science behind microwave radiation and address the question, “do microwaves emit radiation?” We will separate fact from fiction and offer practical tips for using your microwave oven safely.

Join us as we explore the inner workings of microwave ovens, the role of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in ensuring their safety, the potential health risks associated with microwave oven radiation, and the steps you can take to minimize your exposure.

Let’s get started on this journey toward a better understanding of microwave radiation and its impact on our lives.

Short Summary

  • Microwave radiation is a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation that does not cause harm.
  • Food and Drug Administration sets and enforces performance standards to ensure safety, but it is important to take steps to reduce exposure and maintain proper maintenance.
  • Microwaving food does not make it radioactive. Following practical guidelines such as choosing microwave-safe cookware can help minimize potential risks associated with microwave use.

Understanding Microwave Radiation

Microwave ovens use a form of electromagnetic radiation called microwave radiation to cook food, utilizing microwave energy. This type of radiation, also known as electromagnetic waves, lies between radio waves and visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Although the word “radiation” may sound alarming, it’s important to note that not all radiation is harmful. In fact, microwave oven radiation belongs to the category of non-ionizing radiation, which lacks the energy needed to break chemical bonds and cause harm to cells.

A magnetron, an electron tube used in microwave ovens, is located inside a microwave oven. It produces microwaves using electrical and magnetic energy.

These microwaves bounce off the metal walls of the oven compartment and are absorbed by the food inside. The absorbed microwaves cause water molecules in the food to vibrate, creating heat and effectively cooking the food.

This method of heating is fundamentally different from ionizing radiation, which can cause damage to cells and has been linked to health risks such as cancer.

How Microwave Ovens Heat Food

Microwave ovens heat food through the use of electromagnetic radiation. When a microwave oven is turned on, the magnetron emits microwaves that penetrate the food.

These microwaves cause the water molecules in the food to vibrate, generating heat and cooking the food from the inside out.

This method of cooking is both energy-efficient and convenient, as it can warm food much faster than conventional cooking methods. However, it’s important to remember that microwaves can cook unevenly, and some areas may receive more energy than others.

To avoid overheating, it’s a good idea to stir or rotate your food periodically during cooking.

Ionizing vs. Non-Ionizing Radiation

It’s crucial to distinguish between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation when discussing microwave ovens.

Ionizing radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays, has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms, which can lead to cellular damage and increase the risk of cancer.

In contrast, non-ionizing radiation used in microwave ovens does not have enough energy to remove electrons and does not make food radioactive.

This distinction is important because it highlights the fact that the radiation emitted by microwave ovens is fundamentally different from the harmful ionizing radiation associated with health risks.

As a result, using a microwave oven to cook food does not pose the same risks as exposure to ionizing radiation, making it a safe and efficient option for heating food.

Do Microwaves Emit Radiation While Operating?

A Microwave Emiting Radiation While Operating?

Given that microwave ovens use electromagnetic waves to warm food, it’s natural to wonder whether they emit electromagnetic radiation while operating. The answer is yes, but only to a limited extent.

The FDA has established safety standards for microwave ovens, which include regulations on the permissible amount of microwave radiation emitted from the oven.

To ensure that microwave ovens comply with these safety standards, the FDA tests microwave ovens, including measuring radiation emissions.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the FDA’s role in promoting microwave safety and discuss potential concerns about radiation leakage.

FDA Standards and Testing

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of microwave ovens by establishing and enforcing safety standards.

These standards outline acceptable levels of microwave oven radiation emissions, ensuring that any radiation leakage remains within safe parameters.

Manufacturers of microwave ovens need to abide by the radiation safety performance standards set out in Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (Subchapter J, Radiological Health).

These regulations are specified in Parts 1010 and 1030. By enforcing these regulations, the FDA works to ensure that microwave ovens on the market are safe for consumers to use.

Radiation Leakage

Radiation leakage refers to the unintentional emission of microwaves from microwave ovens due to a damaged seal, damaged hinge, or a door that does not shut properly.

However, microwave ovens have two interlock systems that shut off the operation if the door is opened. Even if one of the interlock systems fail, the microwave will not operate.

While it’s unlikely that a well-maintained microwave oven will leak radiation, it’s possible for an older or damaged oven to emit higher levels of electromagnetic radiation.

To minimize the risk of radiation leakage, it’s essential to regularly inspect your oven for any signs of damage and to ensure that the microwave door seals correctly.

By taking these precautions, you can help protect yourself and your family from potential exposure to microwave radiation.

Are There Health Risks Associated with Microwave Radiation?

Despite the fact that microwave ovens use non-ionizing radiation, concerns about potential health risks persist, including the possibility of microwave radiation’s harmful effects.

Some studies suggest that long-term exposure to non-ionizing EMF radiation from microwaves, cell phones, and Wi-Fi routers may pose health risks such as cancer and brain tumor.

Microwaves can also heat body tissue just as they heat food. There is also the issue of superheating which means that water in a microwave oven can be heated beyond its boiling point. This super heated boiling water can cause burns that are more serious than usual.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the potential health risks of long-term exposure to radiation and debunk the myth that microwaved food is radioactive.

Long-Term Exposure Concerns

While the research is still ongoing, some studies have indicated that prolonged exposure to microwave radiation can lead to brain dysfunction, structural damage to the brain, and an increased risk of cancer.

However, the link between microwave radiation and these health risks is not yet definitive, and more research is needed to establish a clear connection.

To minimize potential risks, it’s important to be aware of these concerns and take necessary steps to reduce exposure to radiation, such as using appropriate cookware, maintaining your microwave properly, and keeping a safe distance while it is in use.

Debunking the Radioactive Food Myth

Many people mistakenly believe that microwave ovens make food radioactive. This is not true; microwaves simply heat food quickly using electromagnetic radiation. This myth stems from a misunderstanding of the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

As discussed earlier, the non-ionizing radiation used in microwave ovens heats food, which does not possess the energy needed to make the food radioactive. However, in theory, they can heat body tissues and can cause heat-related burns.

By understanding the science behind microwave cooking, we can confidently debunk the radioactive food myth. Microwaving food is, in fact, a safe and efficient method of heating that does not pose any long-term health risks.

Tips for Safe Microwave Use

Tips for Safe Microwave

Now that we’ve established that microwave ovens are generally safe to use, it’s essential to follow some safety precautions to further reduce exposure to microwave oven radiation.

By using appropriate cookware, maintaining your microwave properly, and observing a safe distance while it’s in operation, you can minimize potential risks and enjoy the convenience of microwave cooking with confidence.

In the following sections, we’ll provide specific tips for selecting microwave-safe cookware, ensuring proper maintenance, and practicing safe distance habits while using your microwave oven.

Appropriate Cookware

Choosing the right cookware is crucial when using a microwave oven. Glass, porcelain, or enamel cookware are all appropriate options for microwave use.

It’s important to avoid using plastics in the microwave, as they can melt and leach chemicals into your food, and in some cases, even burst into flames.

Using unsuitable materials like aluminum foil can cause microwaves to reflect off the cookware, which may result in uneven cooking or even damage to your microwave oven.

By selecting the right cookware, you can reduce potential risks and ensure that your food is cooked safely and evenly.

Proper Maintenance

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the safe operation of your microwave oven. Regularly clean your microwave, wiping up spills and splatters immediately, and keeping the exterior clean.

Inspect your microwave for any signs of damage, such as a defective seal, broken hinge, or an inadequate door closure, as these issues can lead to excess microwaves leaking out of the oven.

Avoid using scouring pads or abrasive powders on any component of your microwave, and never attempt to repair any components on your own.

By maintaining your microwave properly, you can prevent potential radiation leakage and ensure its safe operation.

Distance and Exposure Time

Maintaining a safe distance from your microwave while it’s in use reduces the microwave energy and exposure to radiation.

It’s recommended to keep at least half a meter (about two feet) away from the microwave during operation, as the amount of radiation decreases with increasing distance from the source.

Be aware of the potential risks of extended exposure to high levels of microwaves, which can result in painful heat-related burns.

By practicing safe distance habits and monitoring your exposure time, you can further reduce the risk of harm caused by microwave radiation.


In this blog post, we’ve explored the science behind microwave radiation, debunked common misconceptions, and provided practical tips for using your microwave safely.

By understanding the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, we can confidently say that microwave ovens do not make food radioactive and do not pose any long-term health risks when used correctly.

As with any appliance, it’s important to follow safety guidelines and maintain your microwave properly to ensure its safe operation.

By doing so, you can enjoy the convenience and efficiency of cooking without fear, knowing that you’re taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family. Stay informed, stay safe, and enjoy the benefits of microwave cooking with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do microwave ovens emit a lot of radiation?

Overall, microwave ovens emit a relatively low amount of radiation. While the radiation they emit is non-ionizing and therefore not considered dangerous, overexposure can still cause minor health effects like skin burns and cataracts. It’s important to follow safety protocols when using a microwave oven.

Is it OK to stand in front of a microwave oven?

It is generally considered safe to stand in front of microwave ovens as long as you keep a safe distance away and follow the instructions of microwave manufacturers. However, to ensure safety, it is best to avoid standing directly in front of or up against the oven while it is operating.

What are the symptoms of being exposed to a microwave?

Exposure to microwave ovens can cause symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, concentration and memory problems. These symptoms, known as the “Microwave Syndrome,” are the result of prolonged exposure to radio waves or microwaves.

Do microwave ovens still use radiation?

Yes, microwave ovens still use radiation. The non-ionizing radiation they produce is absorbed by water molecules in food to create heat and is not considered hazardous to people. While rare cases of radiation exposure have been reported, the amount of radiation that microwaves emit is regulated and considered safe.

Do microwaves emit radiation when not in use?

Microwaves do not emit radiation when they are not in use. Microwave radiation is produced only when the microwave is operating and the door is shut. Once turned off, the microwave stops emitting radiation.

Hard-Wired Internet Connection: Easy DIY Install in Steps Sat, 10 Jun 2023 05:31:22 +0000 Read more

setup of a hard-wired internet connection with Ethernet cables and a router

In today’s world of ever-increasing internet usage, the quest for a fast, reliable, and secure connection is a priority for many.

The answer lies in installing hard-wired internet, which offers numerous advantages over their wireless network including reduced EMF exposure.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the advantages of hard-wired internet and provide a step-by-step guide to setting up your own.

Say goodbye to slow internet speed, spotty connections, security, and EMF concerns – let’s dive in!

Short Summary

  • Hard-wired internet connections offer reduced EMF exposure and increased security, speed, and reliability over wireless connections.
  • Essential equipment such as Ethernet cables, switches or routers, and adapters are needed to set up a hard-wired connection.
  • This article provides guidance on setting up a secure hard-wired network including disabling wireless connectivity mapping out your network installing ports/cables & troubleshooting common issues for an optimal experience.

Understanding Hard-Wired Internet Connections

A hard-wired internet connection is established through an Ethernet cable connecting your router and device, bypassing the need for wireless signals.

This type of connection offers several advantages over wireless connections, such as enhanced security, speed, and dependability.

With the right equipment, including Ethernet cables, switches or routers, and adapters, you can experience a seamless and reliable connection that will leave you wondering how you ever managed without it.

As we proceed through this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of wired internet, the essential equipment needed for setup, and a step-by-step guide to installing and optimizing your very own hard-wired network. So, are you ready to make the switch and experience the difference?

Advantages of a Hard-Wired Connection


One of the primary advantages of a hard-wired connection is its speed. With a direct connection through an Ethernet cable, you can experience faster and more consistent internet speeds than with a wireless connection.

This improvement in speed is especially noticeable when downloading or streaming large files and during online gaming.


Hard-wired connections also offer greater reliability than wireless networks. With wireless connections, you’re more likely to experience signal drops, interference, and other issues that can disrupt your internet access.

In contrast, hard-wired connections provide a stable and reliable connection, ensuring that you can enjoy uninterrupted internet access at all times.

Reduced EMF Exposure

Furthermore, hard-wired connections reduce the exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, which can be harmful to health when emitted by WiFi or Bluetooth devices.

To fully reap the benefits of hard-wired connection, it’s important to disable WiFi connections and Bluetooth on your devices after installation.

This not only minimizes RF Radiation levels in inhabited areas, but also ensures that your devices are utilizing the faster and more secure hard-wired connection.

Also, check out my guide on how to Turn Off Wifi At Night to reduce EMF exposure.

Essential Equipment for Cable Internet

Essential Equipment for Cable Internet

Before delving into the details of setting up your cable internet, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the essential equipment required for the process. This includes Ethernet cables, switches or routers, and the appropriate adapters for your devices.

In the following subsections, we’ll provide insights on selecting the right Ethernet cable, choosing an Ethernet switch or router based on your needs, and using adapters for various devices.

Choosing the Right Ethernet Cable

Ethernet cables come in various types, such as Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat7, and choosing the right one for your needs is essential for optimal performance.

Factors to consider when selecting an Ethernet cable include the type of cable, the length required, and the speed requirements for your devices. Shielded Ethernet cables are recommended, as they provide a connection with no electromagnetic field.

These cables can be easily acquired on Amazon or at local electronics stores. Remember, investing in high-quality Ethernet cables is crucial for ensuring a stable and reliable internet connection, so make sure to choose wisely.

Selecting an Ethernet Switch or Router

An Ethernet switch is a device that facilitates the transmission of an internet signal through Ethernet cables connected to it.

When selecting an Ethernet switch or router, it’s important to consider the number of ports needed, based on the number of devices you wish to connect to the internet and the rooms requiring internet access.

One port should be subtracted from the total number needed, as it will be used for the connection to the modem.

To connect an Ethernet switch to a modem, simply use a short Ethernet cable (usually provided with the modem) to connect the modem’s designated port to the initial port on the switch.

By properly assessing your needs and selecting a switch or router with the appropriate number of ports, you can ensure a smooth and efficient setup.

Adapters for Wired Internet on Various Devices

Adapters play a crucial role in connecting various devices to your hard-wired internet network.

Powerline adapters, for instance, enable the use of a home’s electrical wiring to transfer data signals, making it easier to hard-wire your home for internet.

To use these adapters, simply plug them into the electrical outlets near your devices and follow the provided instructions.

Another useful device is a wireless repeater, which can be plugged into an outlet near your computer, connected to the WiFi network, and then connected to your computer using an Ethernet cable.

Wireless repeaters typically offer Ethernet ports for added convenience, allowing you to easily connect multiple devices to your hard-wired network.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Hard-Wired Internet Connection

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Hard-Wired Internet Connection

Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to dive into the step-by-step process of setting up your cable internet.

This guide will take you through disabling wireless connectivity, mapping out your network, installing Ethernet cables and ports, and connecting your devices to the wired network.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the numerous benefits of cable internet.

1. Disable Wireless Connectivity

The first step in setting up your cable internet is disabling wireless connectivity. This ensures that your devices are using a faster and more secure connection instead of relying on WiFi or Bluetooth signals.

To disable wireless connectivity, turn off your WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals on your devices, and consider using external wired keyboards and mice to further reduce RF radiation exposure.

If you have a 2-in-1 router/modem unit, you may need to disable the WiFi on the unit itself or purchase a separate router to use with your hard-wired connection.

To locate the switch to turn off your WiFi, check the router itself or consult the accompanying documentation. Alternatively, you can unplug the router from the wall to turn off the WiFi signal.

2. Map Out Your Network

The next step is mapping out your network. This involves creating a floor plan for each room in your home and locating the devices that need to be connected to the internet.

Based on this information, you can determine the number of Ethernet ports needed for each room, taking into consideration the number of devices and their locations.

Once you’ve determined the number of ports needed, calculate the overall number of ports necessary to hard-wire Ethernet cables to. This information will be crucial when selecting an Ethernet switch or internet router and purchasing the appropriate amount of Ethernet cables for your setup.

3. Install Ethernet Cables and Ports

With your network mapped out and the necessary equipment on hand, it’s time to install your Ethernet cables and ports.

Route the cables along the baseboards or secure them to the wall or floor, ensuring a neat and organized appearance. Plug one end of the cable into your computer or other device, and the other end into the appropriate Ethernet port on your switch or router.

While you can attempt the installation process yourself, it’s strongly advised to consult with a handyman or electrician to determine the optimal approach. They can provide expert advice on cable routing, internet port installation, and any potential challenges that may arise during the process.

4. Connect Devices to the Wired Network

After installing your Ethernet cables and ports, it’s time to connect your devices to the wired network. Ensure that your devices are properly connected and that all necessary wireless signals (WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular) are disabled.

If you’re using powerline adapters, be aware that they can potentially provide slower internet speeds than other connection types.

To verify that your devices are properly connected, perform a ping test or check your connection speed.

If you experience any issues, refer to our troubleshooting section for guidance on resolving common problems with hard-wired internet.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Hard-Wired Internet

Despite your best efforts, you may encounter some common issues with your hard-wired internet, such as slow speeds, poor signal strength, and intermittent connection. Fear not, as we’ve compiled a list of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve these issues and get back on track.

First, inspect your Ethernet cables and ports for any signs of damage or loose connections. If you find a loose or damaged cable, replace it with a new one to ensure a stable and reliable connection.

If you suspect a faulty Ethernet port, consider replacing it as well. For outdated drivers, update them to the latest version to improve connection stability and performance.

Lastly, if you suspect incorrect network settings, adjust them to the appropriate values to resolve any issues. By following these troubleshooting tips, you can address common issues with your cable internet and ensure a smooth, reliable experience.

Enhancing Your Hard-Wired Internet Experience

To further enhance your hard-wired internet experience, consider using shielded Ethernet cables, powerline adapters, and a WiFi Kill Switch. Shielded Ethernet cables provide a connection with no electromagnetic field, ensuring a safer and more stable connection.

Powerline adapters can make hard-wiring your home for internet easier by utilizing your home’s electrical wiring to transfer data signals.

A WiFi Kill Switch, or WiFi guard, is a protective shield that blocks radio frequency (RF) radiation emitted by a wireless router. By drastically reducing exposure to RF radiation, a WiFi guard can lead to better sleep, a stronger immune system, and fewer headaches.

By incorporating these enhancements into your hard-wired internet setup, you can further optimize your connection and enjoy an even better online experience.


In conclusion, cable internet offers numerous benefits over wireless connections, including faster speeds, more reliable connections, and lower EMF radiation exposure.

By following our step-by-step guide, you can easily set up your own hard-wired internet connection and experience the difference for yourself.

Don’t settle for slow speeds and spotty connections any longer – embrace the power of hard-wired internet and transform your online experience today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a hardwired internet connection?

To get a hardwired internet connection, you need an Ethernet cable, a router and a device with an Ethernet port. Plug one end of the cable into the router, and the other end into your device’s Ethernet port.

Is hard-wired internet better than WiFi?

Hardwired internet is typically more reliable and faster than Wi-Fi. It is also less prone to interference, which can affect Wi-Fi performance.

What is the difference between hardwire and internet connection?

“Hardwire” refers to a physical, wired connection between devices (like computer and router), while “internet connection” refers to the connection from your device to the internet, which can be wired or wireless.

Is wired internet faster than 5G?

Wired internet can potentially be faster than 5G, especially in terms of latency. However, top-tier 5G connections can compete with average wired speeds.

Why is wired internet faster?

Wired internet is faster because it’s less prone to interference and has lower latency compared to wireless connections. It also maintains a consistent signal over greater distances.

RF Meter vs EMF Meter: A Comprehensive Comparison Guide Mon, 29 May 2023 03:45:18 +0000 Read more

RF Meter vs EMF Meter

When it comes to measuring electromagnetic fields and radiation, two key devices come to mind: the RF (Radio Frequency) meter and the EMF (Electromagnetic Field) meter. But what are the differences between these two?

EMF meters measure all types of radiation across a wide range of frequencies, spanning from a few kilohertz (kHz) to several gigahertz (GHz). However, RF meters specialize solely in measuring radio frequencies (RF) within the narrower scope of 30 MHz to 6 GHz.

Here is a quick comparison between RF and EMF meters. We’ll discuss each aspect in detail in the later half of the article.

FeaturesRF MeterEMF Meter
Frequency Range30 MHz to 6 GHz.Few KHz to several GHz
Purpose of UseRF radiation from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, & other wireless devices.EMF from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, power lines & electrical appliances.
Measurement UnitMilliwatts per square meter (mW/m²).Magnetic fields in Gauss or Tesla and electric fields in volts per meter (V/m).
Working PrincipleDetects power density of radio waves using an antenna.Detects changes in the magnetic or electric fields.
Common UsesSignal strength testing, equipment calibration, and radiation exposure assessment.Harmful EMF detection and ghost hunting.

Check out my top picks for EMF and RF detectors.

About RF Meters

An RF meter, or radio frequency meter, is a device used to detect and measure the intensity of radio frequency radiation. These frequencies are usually in the range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz and are typically associated with wireless communication technologies.

How does an RF meter work?

RF meters measure Radio Frequency (RF) radiation emitted by electronic devices. They work by detecting electromagnetic fields and displaying the results in microwatts per square centimeter. Sensors capture RF waves, transforming them into electrical signals for the meter to read.

To get accurate readings, the RF meter must be near the device emitting radiation or the area of interest. Experts recommend moving the meter around slowly while taking multiple measurements to get an average value.

Pros of an RF Meter

  • Accurate Measurement: RF meters are designed specifically to measure radio frequencies, making them highly accurate in detecting and quantifying RF radiation levels.
  • Good Frequency Range: RF meters cover a broad frequency range, typically from 30 MHz to 6 GHz, allowing for comprehensive monitoring of various RF-emitting devices and systems.
  • Easy to Use: RF meters are generally user-friendly and straightforward to operate. They often feature intuitive controls and clear displays, enabling users to quickly interpret the measured data.
  • Portable and Handheld: Many RF meters are compact, lightweight, and handheld devices, making them convenient for on-the-go measurements. This portability allows for easy monitoring in different locations.
  • Alarm and Alert Features: Some RF meters come with alarm functions that can be set to notify users when the measured RF radiation exceeds a certain threshold. This feature can be helpful in identifying areas with potentially high RF exposure.

Cons of an RF Meter

  • Limited to RF Frequencies: RF meters are designed specifically for measuring radio frequencies and may not be suitable for accurately measuring other types of electromagnetic radiation, such as low-frequency electric and magnetic fields.
  • Narrower Frequency Range: While RF meters cover a wide range of radio frequencies, they may not capture extremely low-frequency or extremely high-frequency signals that fall outside the typical 30 MHz to 6 GHz range.
  • Interference and Sensitivity: RF meters can be sensitive to external electromagnetic interference, which may affect the accuracy of measurements. Users need to ensure that the meter is shielded from other sources of electromagnetic radiation during measurements.
  • Price Variability: The cost of RF meters can vary significantly depending on the features, accuracy, and brand. Some advanced models with additional functionalities may be more expensive, which could pose a limitation for those on a tight budget.
  • Specialized Knowledge: While RF meters are generally user-friendly, interpreting and understanding the measurements may require some knowledge about electromagnetic radiation and its potential health effects. Users may need to educate themselves about RF safety guidelines and recommended exposure limits.

What is an EMF Meter?

An EMF meter measures electromagnetic fields, encompassing a broader frequency spectrum than the RF meter. This spectrum ranges from Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) to very high frequencies, like those of X-rays.

An EMF meter measures the strength and direction of electromagnetic fields. It works on Faraday’s law, which says changes in magnetism lead to electric currents. The EMF meter has sensors for both electric and magnetic fields. Readings are in volts per meter or milligauss units.

The EMF meter can measure currents or voltages in electrical equipment, appliances, wiring, and other sources of energy. These readings can be harmless or dangerous, depending on frequency, intensity, and how long you are exposed.

Using an EMF meter can help you identify areas with excessive radiation, so you can take steps to shield or reduce electronics in that area. Paranormal investigators use EMF meters to measure ghostly activity, but this isn’t scientifically proven yet.

Different EMF meters vary in accuracy, frequency range, and features. You must check out reliable brands and models that meet your needs before buying. Check out my recommended EMF meter.

Pros of an EMF Meter

  • Comprehensive Measurement: EMF meters are designed to measure a wide range of electromagnetic fields, including both low-frequency electric and magnetic fields. They provide a holistic assessment of EMF exposure in a given environment.
  • Versatility: EMF meters can be used to measure various sources of electromagnetic fields, including power lines, household appliances, electrical wiring, and electronic devices. They offer flexibility in monitoring different types of EMF sources.
  • Health and Safety Awareness: By using an EMF meter, individuals can gain insights into the levels of electromagnetic fields in their surroundings. This information can help raise awareness about potential health risks and encourage precautionary measures if exposure levels are found to be high.
  • Educational Tool: EMF meters can serve as educational tools to increase public knowledge about electromagnetic radiation. They can help individuals understand the sources of EMF, the factors that contribute to exposure, and how to mitigate potential risks.
  • Monitoring Changes: EMF meters allow for continuous monitoring and tracking of EMF levels over time. This can be particularly useful in identifying trends or changes in electromagnetic field exposure, enabling further investigation or necessary actions.

Cons of an EMF Meter

  • Interference and False Readings: EMF meters may be sensitive to external sources of electromagnetic interference, which can lead to inaccurate readings. Care must be taken to ensure that measurements are not affected by nearby electrical devices or electromagnetic noise.
  • Interpretation Challenges: Interpreting EMF meter readings requires knowledge about recommended exposure limits and guidelines. Without understanding the context and potential health implications, it may be challenging to determine the significance of the measured values.
  • Complexity of Measurement: Measuring electromagnetic fields accurately requires proper positioning, orientation, and distance from the source. Without adequate knowledge or training, it can be challenging to perform measurements correctly and obtain reliable results.
  • Cost Variability: The cost of EMF meters can vary depending on their features, accuracy, and brand. More advanced models with additional functionalities may be more expensive, potentially limiting their accessibility for some individuals or organizations.
  • Limited Frequency Range: Some EMF meters have a limited frequency range and may not be capable of measuring extremely high-frequency radiation, such as those emitted by certain wireless communication systems or microwave ovens. It’s important to select an EMF meter that covers the specific frequency range of interest.

RF Meter vs EMF Meter: The Key Differences

Here are the main differences between an RF meter and an EMF meter:

Frequency Range

The primary difference between RF and EMF meters is the frequency range that they cover. While RF meters are designed specifically for radio frequencies, EMF meters cover a much broader spectrum, including ELF and high-frequency radiations.

Purpose of Use

Another significant distinction lies in their usage. RF meters are often used for detecting radio frequency radiation from various sources, including cellular towers, WiFi routers, and other wireless devices.

EMF meters, in contrast, are used to detect electromagnetic fields from a variety of sources, such as power lines, electrical appliances, and even natural phenomena like thunderstorms.

Measurement of Radiation

RF meters measure radiation in terms of power density, usually in milliwatts per square meter (mW/m²). EMF meters, on the other hand, usually measure magnetic fields in Gauss or Tesla and electric fields in volts per meter (V/m).

Uses and Applications

RF meters are frequently used in the telecommunication industry for signal strength testing, equipment calibration, and radiation exposure assessment.

They are also invaluable for health and safety evaluations, especially in places where there’s a potential for high RF exposure, such as near cell towers or radio stations.

EMF meters find their use in several areas such as ghost hunting, where they are employed to detect unseen entities. Paranormal investigators believe that ghostly presences can alter the electromagnetic field in a space.

Besides, they are also used to evaluate the safety of residential and commercial environments for harmful EMF radiation from power lines, appliances, and other electrical equipment.

How to Choose Between RF Meter and EMF Meter

Choosing between an RF meter and an EMF meter primarily depends on your specific needs.

If you are interested in detecting and measuring RF radiation from specific technologies like cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless communication devices, an RF meter would be the right choice.

However, if you want a more comprehensive understanding of the electromagnetic fields in your environment, covering a broader spectrum of frequencies, an EMF meter would be more suitable.


In the grand scheme of things, understanding the difference between an RF meter and an EMF meter can be extremely helpful depending on the specific context.

While RF meters are more niche and targeted towards radio frequency radiation, EMF meters offer a more comprehensive insight into the electromagnetic fields in your environment. Regardless of which one you choose, it’s crucial to understand what you’re measuring and why to make the most out of these devices.


Are RF and EMF the same?

No, RF (Radio Frequency) and EMF (Electromagnetic Field) are not the same. RF refers specifically to the range of frequencies used for wireless communication, while EMF encompasses a broader range of frequencies including RF and other types of electromagnetic radiation.

What are EMF and RF radiation?

EMF (Electromagnetic Field) radiation refers to the electric and magnetic fields generated by electrically charged objects, including power lines, appliances, and electronic devices. RF (Radio Frequency) radiation refers specifically to electromagnetic waves used in wireless communication, such as Wi-Fi, cell phones, and broadcasting. Both types of radiation are forms of electromagnetic radiation.

What is the difference between RF and magnetic?

RF refers to radio frequencies, which are a subset of electromagnetic radiation. Magnetic fields, on the other hand, are a component of electromagnetic fields and can exist at various frequencies. RF specifically relates to the transmission and reception of wireless communication signals, while magnetic fields can be generated by various sources, including power lines and electrical devices.

Can an RF meter detect EMF?

An RF meter is specifically designed to detect radio frequency radiation, which is a subset of the electromagnetic spectrum. Therefore, it can detect EMFs within the RF range but not beyond.

Are RF meters and EMF meters expensive?

The price of these devices can vary widely based on their sensitivity, frequency range, and additional features. You can find affordable models as well as high-end ones.

Is it necessary to measure RF and EMF radiation?

If you’re concerned about potential health impacts from these types of radiation, or if you work in an environment with high radiation (like telecommunications), having a meter can be beneficial.

Oura Ring EMF Levels – Decoding the Invisible Impact Sun, 28 May 2023 06:33:01 +0000 Read more

Imagine tracking your sleep patterns, monitoring your daily activity, and gaining insights into your overall health, all while wearing a sleek, stylish ring on your finger. Sounds incredible, right?

Oura Ring EMF Levels

That’s what the Oura Ring, a popular fitness tracker, offers! But, as with all electronic devices, there are concerns about the effects of electromagnetic radiation. So, how safe is the Oura Ring?

Let’s dive in and explore the EMF levels and potential risks associated with this amazing piece of wearable technology.

Understanding EMF Radiation

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) is emitted from all electronic devices, including our beloved fitness trackers, cell phone, and computers.

But wait, there’s more! EMF has been linked to various health concerns such as fatigue, headaches, and insomnia.

With the Oura Ring being a popular fitness tracker, it’s essential to understand the EMF it emits.

Sources of EMF Radiation

EMF radiation is all around us, emitted by both natural and man-made sources.

Natural sources include the sun and the earth, while man-made sources consist of a wide array of electronic devices, such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, power lines, and electrical wiring.

With our modern world revolving around technology, it’s no surprise we are constantly exposed to radiation.

But how much is too much? And how much radiation comes from the devices we wear on our bodies, such as fitness trackers like the Oura Ring?

Health Concerns Related to EMF

Radiation has been linked to various health concerns, including cancer, infertility, neurological disorders, and sleep disturbances.

There is strong evidence for an association between leukemia and residential or occupational exposure to ELF EMFs, but no clear evidence of a causal link with cancer.

Prolonged EMF exposure can trigger biological effects, making it essential to understand the amount of radiation coming from devices like the Oura Ring. So let’s take a closer look at it and its EMF emissions.

Oura Ring: A Popular Fitness Tracker

The Oura Ring, priced around $300, is a popular health tracker with impressive features. Worn by celebrities like Prince Harry and Jack Dorsey, it tracks sleeping patterns and physical activity to help users live a healthy lifestyle.

With its sleek design and unique features, such as tracking heart rate variability (HRV), it has captured the attention of many health enthusiasts.

Tracking Sleep and Activity

The Oura Ring is designed to provide valuable insights into your sleep patterns and physical activity. It calculates an overall score that takes into account sleep patterns, recent activity, and more, adjusting daily goals accordingly.

The sleep score considers total sleep, time spent in each sleep stage, heart rate variability, and more, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your sleep quality.

In addition to sleep tracking, it also monitors physical activity levels. The ring tracks metrics such as step count, how many calories burned, and workout intensity, providing you with an activity score that helps you set and achieve your fitness goals.

With its focus on well-being and sleep tracking, it stands out among other fitness trackers.

Unique Design and Functionality

The Oura Ring’s design is truly remarkable. It offers a sleek and minimalistic look, combined with the ability to accurately track health metrics with its sensors.

One standout feature is its ability to measure tiny changes in body temperature, making it possible to predict menstrual cycles and even detect when someone’s getting sick.

To make it even more user-friendly, the Oura Ring app presents data on activity goals, sleep scores, and readiness score in an easy-to-use format. With its unique design, accurate tracking, and user-friendly interface, it has become a popular choice among health enthusiasts.

Oura Ring EMF Radiation Levels

Oura Ring EMF Radiation Levels

Now that we’ve discussed the amazing features and benefits of the Oura Ring, let’s address the pressing concern: EMF levels.

As with all electronic devices, it emits EMF radiation, so it’s essential to understand how much radiation it emits and the potential risks associated with it.

It has been tested and certified to meet the safety standards of the European Union, which is one of the most stringent safety standards in the world. It emits a very low level of EMF.

How Much EMF Does the Oura Ring Emit?

The Oura Ring emits a low level of radiation, which is considered EMF safe for most people.

In comparison to other common electronic devices, the amount of radiation emitted by it is around 100 times lower than the amount exposed to from a Wi-Fi router and 250 times lower than that of 3G and 4G.

The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measurement for the device is 0.0003 W/kg (source) which is far below the SAR limit of 2.0 W/kg for the head and body.

These numbers indicate that the Oura Ring’s EMF levels are relatively low compared to other devices.

Airplane Mode

One way to minimize RF radiation while using it is to enable Airplane Mode.

When the ring is in Airplane mode, the EMF levels drop dramatically because it turns off the transmitter and does not send any data via Bluetooth to your phone.

This means you can still benefit from the Oura Ring’s good sleep and activity tracking features while reducing your EMF exposure.

To activate Airplane Mode, open the Oura app, select the “Settings” tab, and toggle the “Bluetooth” switch to the “Off” position.

By using Airplane Mode, you can limit your contact with RF radiation and still enjoy its fantastic benefits.

Tips for Minimizing EMF While Using the Oura Ring

Minimizing EMF While Using the Oura Ring

Now that we know more about the Oura Ring’s EMF levels, let’s explore some tips for minimizing radiation levels while using this incredible device.

By following these suggestions, you can continue to benefit from the Oura Ring’s features while reducing your risk of potential health concerns related to EMF levels.

For example, you can reduce your EMF levels by keeping it at least 6 inches away from your body when not in use.

Additionally, you can turn off the Bluetooth connection when not actively using the device. Finally, you can make the most of your time.

Turning Off Bluetooth

One way to minimize EMF emissions from the Oura Ring is by turning off Bluetooth. Bluetooth emits electromagnetic radiation, so by disabling it, you can reduce your EMF levels.

To turn off Bluetooth, open the Oura app, select the “Settings” tab, and toggle the “Bluetooth” switch to the “Off” position.

Syncing Data Safely

Another tip for reducing EMF levels while using the Oura Ring is to sync data safely. This can be done by using a wired connection instead of a wireless connection to transfer data from the ring to your phone.

By syncing data safely, you can prevent wireless radiation from traveling through the air and into your body, reducing EMF levels.

Charging and Reconnecting

Charging and reconnecting it might also reduce the amount of time the ring emits EMF radiation.

Enabling Airplanes Mode during charging and reconnecting can also limit contact with EMF radiation, as it turns off the transmitter and does not send any data via Bluetooth to your phone.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of the Oura Ring while minimizing the effects of radiation.

Comparing Oura Ring to Other Fitness Trackers

It’s also helpful to compare it to other popular fitness trackers when considering EMF radiation.

By understanding the differences in EMF emissions between various devices, you can make an informed decision about which tracker best aligns with your personal preferences and priorities.

Apple Watch

apple watch radiation

This popular fitness tracker emits low levels of EMF radiation, which is considered safe for most people.

However, the Oura Ring emits lower levels of EMF radiation than the Apple Watch, making it a more favorable option for those concerned about the effects of radiation.

While both devices offer valuable fitness-tracking features, it’s essential to consider your priorities and preferences when choosing a fitness tracker.

If EMF radiation is a significant concern for you, it may be a more suitable option.

Check out my guide about apple watch radiation and ways to protect yourself.


Fitbit devices are another popular choice for fitness tracking. While they offer impressive durability and activity tracking as a standalone feature, it’s important to consider their radiation levels as well.

The Oura Ring, specifically designed to track sleep phases and provide unique metrics such as HRV, body temperature, and respiratory rate, emits lower radiation levels compared to Fitbit devices.

When comparing it to Fitbit devices, keep in mind your personal preferences and priorities. If minimizing effects is essential to you, the Oura Ring may be a more suitable option.

Check out my guide about fitbit radiation and ways to protect yourself.

Making an Informed Decision

When choosing a fitness tracker, it’s crucial to make an informed decision by considering factors such as the effects of EMF radiation, personal preferences, and priorities.

By gathering information about its safety and weighing the potential risks and benefits of using the device, you can decide whether it’s the right choice for you.

Balancing Benefits and Risks

One aspect of making an informed decision about the Oura Ring involves balancing the benefits and risks associated with its use.

The potential benefits of using it include improved sleep efficiency, better tracking of activity levels, and improved health.

On the other hand, the potential risks of EMFs and the associated concerns.

By considering the potential benefits and risks of using the Oura Ring and following tips for minimizing EMF, you can make a well-informed decision about whether this device is suitable for your needs and priorities.

Personal Preferences and Priorities

When choosing a fitness tracker, personal preferences and priorities play an essential role in the decision-making process.

Factors such as style, design, functionality, features, and your comfort level with technology can influence your choice.

Furthermore, your understanding of the risks associated with radiation and your personal priorities regarding health and well-being can also impact your decision.

Taking all these factors into account, you can make an informed decision about whether the Oura Ring or another fitness tracker aligns with your personal preferences and priorities.


In conclusion, the Oura Ring is an impressive fitness tracker with unique features and a sleek design, making it a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts.

However, it’s essential to consider the potential risks associated with radiation when choosing a fitness tracker.

By understanding the EMF levels emitted by it, comparing it to other popular fitness trackers, and following tips for minimizing EMF, you can make an informed decision about whether it is the right choice for you.

Ultimately, the decision lies in your personal preferences and priorities, so choose wisely and enjoy the journey to better health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Oura ring use EMF?

Yes, the Oura Ring emits EMFs. However, users can limit contact further by enabling Airplane Mode. With this feature, it emits minimal electric and magnetic fields.

Is it safe to wear Oura ring all the time?

Yes, it’s perfectly safe to wear your Oura Ring all the time! It has a sleek, lightweight design so it won’t bother you while you sleep or during your daily activities. Just make sure you don’t have it rubbing against any other rings, and you’ll be good to go.

Should I keep my Oura ring in airplane mode?

Absolutely! In fact, we recommend it when you’re out and about or traveling. By keeping it in airplane mode, you’ll conserve battery life, and the data is stored within the ring, making it more secure and accessible even if your phone isn’t nearby. Moreover, EMF levels would be less.

Do Sunglasses Block Blue Light? A Powerful Revelation Mon, 15 May 2023 14:30:08 +0000 Read more

Sunglasses and blue light are a hot debate. Blue light is known to cause sleep disturbances and digital eye strain, so it’s important to know if sunglasses can protect us from this.

Some sunglasses are designed to block blue light. However, not all sunglasses have this feature, so it’s important to read the product information carefully before purchasing.

Do Sunglasses Block Blue Light

All sunglasses reduce glare and protect from UV rays. But for heavy screen time, blue-light filtering glasses might offer more protection.

So, investing in sunglasses with blue-light-blocking capabilities is highly recommended. Protecting our eyes from UV and HEV is essential – it’s time to get mutant-ready!

The best blue light blocking glasses are sold by Defendershield (check their website).

How Blue Light Affects Eyesight

To understand how blue light affects your eyesight, you need to delve into the details of its impacts. That’s where the sub-sections of the effects of blue light on sleep and the effects of blue light on eye strain come in handy.

By examining the impacts of blue light on these two aspects of your health, you can gain a clearer understanding of how this type of light can affect your eyes overall.

Effects of Blue Light on Sleep

Blue light has a big effect on sleep. It can stop melatonin from forming, which makes it hard to fall asleep. Also, blue light affects the body’s internal clock and this causes bad sleep. This can cause problems such as being tired and feeling down.

Experts recommend steering clear of tech devices or wearing glasses that stop blue light. A good idea: put a “digital curfew” in place an hour before bedtime – this could help with better sleep.

It’s true that using tech lots makes us better multitaskers, but it also gives us headaches and eye strain like we’ve been staring into the sun.

Effects of Blue Light on Eye Strain

Blue light coming from electronic devices can cause eye strain and fatigue. Prolonged exposure to blue light may result in discomfort, headaches and dry eyes – as it disrupts the natural sleep cycle.

To prevent this, limit screen time and use blue light filters or adjust display settings.

Taking regular breaks and using the 20-20-20 rule, where you look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, can help ease eye strain. Maintaining a comfortable distance from the screen while lighting up the surrounding area will also reduce eye stress.

Eyestrain is a common issue arising from too much display usage, among both children and adults. So, it’s important to go to an optometrist for proper screening and correction.

Make sure your eye health is protected by investing in technologies that reduce exposure to blue light. And look fashionable doing it with these shades – the perfect accessory for tech lovers who are concerned about their eyesight!

Also read: Do Plasma TVs Emit Blue Light?

Which Sunglasses Block Blue Light

To distinguish which sunglasses are capable of blocking blue light, learn about the types of sunglasses that specialize in it.

In order to do so, explore polarized sunglasses, blue-light blocking sunglasses, and photochromic sunglasses as the solution briefly in this section.

Polarized Sunglasses

Polarizing Lens for Sun Protection! Polarized sunglasses feature a special film that filters out reflected or scattered light. This reduces glares from flat surfaces such as water and shiny objects.

UVB and UVA protection is provided, and most blue light is blocked which can cause eye strain.

It’s important to note that polarized sunglasses don’t always boost visual acuity in certain circumstances, such as when fast-moving objects on uneven terrains like ice or snow. Still, they remain a popular option for sunny days with bright reflections.

Polarized lenses were initially developed by Edwin H. Land in 1936. Then, in the 1990s, athletes discovered the benefits for reducing glare during outdoor activities.

Now, they’re widely used for recreational activities like boating, fishing, and skiing. Enjoy visual clarity and comfort while protecting your eyes from harmful rays – all thanks to polarized lenses!

Blue-Light Blocking Sunglasses

Protect your eyes with blue light blocking sunglasses! They are now popular due to the rise of digital screens and are specially designed to reduce strain on the eyes.

Here are five types of blue light blocking sunglasses:

  • Clip-on lenses: Attach to your regular prescription glasses.
  • Prescription lenses: Get lenses with a blue-blocking coating.
  • Yellow-tinted lenses: Filter out some of the blue light.
  • Polarized sunglasses: Reduce glare from reflective surfaces.
  • Computer glasses: Block a significant amount of blue light.

Other options include wrap-around sunglasses and anti-glare screen protectors. Make sure your sunglasses block at least 80% of blue light. Also, make sure they cover your entire field of vision.

Do the research and check customer reviews. Speak to a healthcare professional for recommendations based on your needs.

Safeguard your eyes with the proper precautions and the right type of sunglasses! Or, even better, sunglasses that adjust to the mood swings of the sun!

Photochromic Sunglasses

Photochromic lenses are eyewear that adjust to light conditions. They darken when exposed to sunlight and lighten in low-light. They offer UV and blue light protection, reducing eye strain and fatigue. Here are the features:

  • Automatically darken and lighten
  • Protect from UV and blue light
  • Reduce strain, fatigue, and glare
  • Adapt to lighting conditions
  • Different tints for specific needs
  • Ideal for sports or outdoor activities

These lenses come in various materials such as polycarbonate, glass, and plastic. They can also be customized with coatings or filters. Photochromic sunglasses are perfect for any environment.

Benefits of Wearing Blue-Light Blocking Sunglasses

Antiradiation Glasses

To improve your sleep quality, reduce eye strain and fatigue, and prevent macular degeneration, blue-light blocking sunglasses can be incredibly beneficial.

By wearing these types of sunglasses, you can protect your eyes from the harmful blue light emitted by digital devices.

In this section, we will explore the various advantages of wearing blue-light blocking sunglasses, including improved sleep quality, reduced eye strain and fatigue, and reduced risk of macular degeneration.

Improved Sleep Quality

Blue-light blocking sunglasses have a huge effect on sleep quality. They block blue light wavelengths that disrupt melatonin production, which helps people sleep.

Plus, these sunglasses protect from the long-term effects of artificial light sources. They’re especially helpful for people with night shifts or irregular schedules since they help keep the body’s circadian rhythm in check.

A friend of mine experienced this first-hand. After struggling with insomnia for years, they started wearing these glasses and noticed a big difference. In only a few weeks, they fell asleep faster and woke up feeling well-rested.

Reduced Eye Strain and Fatigue

Blue light emitted from digital screens, LED lights, and the sun can be damaging to our eyes. Blue-light blocking sunglasses reduce visual discomfort, fatigue, and eye strain.

This can help us to be more productive and avoid headaches. Plus, long-term exposure can cause serious damage to our eyes.

Blue-light blocking glasses guard against this and protect retinal cells. They also decrease glare when we look at digital screens or while driving. Contrast and clarity are improved, especially in dim lighting.

The first blue-light blocking glasses were created for NASA astronauts who had trouble sleeping due to extreme brightness. Further research into the effects of different wavelengths on human health established how useful these glasses are in everyday life.

Reduced Risk of Macular Degeneration

Blue-light blocking sunglasses can reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration. They filter out harmful blue light and protect the retina.

Furthermore, they can improve sleep and reduce headaches caused by too much screen time. Blue light disrupts natural sleep cycles and causes eye strain and fatigue.

For those who use electronic devices a lot, blue-light blocking sunglasses are very important. For extra comfort, buy glasses with adjustable nose pads or spring hinges.

Also read: Antiradiation Glasses: The Pros, Cons, and Alternatives

Learn more about these sunglasses with these FAQs.

Related Questions

Can Blue-Light Blocking Sunglasses Be Worn Indoors?

Not just for outdoor use, blue-light blocking sunglasses can be worn indoors too! This is important to protect our eyes from harmful artificial light sources like LED screens, fluorescent bulbs, and other electronic devices.

These can affect your sleep cycle, and increase digital eye strain and visual discomfort. People spending more time on computers and mobiles means it’s important to wear blue-light blocking sunglasses indoors too.

For indoor use, glasses with clear lenses and a built-in blue-light filter are recommended. This minimizes the amount of blue-light that enters your eyes and supports healthy vision.

Not all blue-light blocking glasses are suitable for long hours of wear, so you should buy comfortable and durable ones. Quality brands won’t break the bank either!

Are Blue-Light Blocking Sunglasses Expensive?

Blue-Light blocking sunglasses have various prices. Certain high-end brands can cost up to $200 or more. However, cheaper options may provide the same level of protection.

When choosing, look for a lens that blocks at least 90% of blue light. Polarized lenses can reduce glare and eyestrain outdoors. Think about your personal needs and preferences before investing.

Prioritize your eye health. Long-term exposure to blue light from devices can cause digital eye strain.

What Should I Look for When Buying Blue-Light Blocking Sunglasses?

It’s essential to safeguard your eyes from blue light radiation. Want to know what you should search for when buying blue-light blocking sunglasses? Here are a few tips:

  • Confirm that the lenses are certified by an independent organization like the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
  • Check for the amount of blue light blocked. Preferably, it should be in the 95-99% range.
  • Verify that the glasses are comfy and stylish too. If you don’t like them, you won’t wear them regularly.

In addition to these points, you must be aware that only donning blue light-blocking sunglasses won’t totally eradicate eye strain and fatigue caused by digital devices.

Keeping a healthy lifestyle combined with taking regular breaks while using screens can significantly reduce the bad effects of blue lights.

Did you know that children’s eyes are more vulnerable to damage from extended screen time? According to a report in Scientific Reports, kids who spend more than two hours on screens have a higher chance of having underdeveloped cognitive abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do sunglasses block blue light?

Sunglasses can block blue light using special coatings or lens materials that absorb or reflect blue light rays. These coatings or materials can help reduce eye strain, improve visual clarity, and enhance color contrast.

What are the benefits of blocking blue light with sunglasses?

Blocking blue light with sunglasses can provide a number of benefits, including reducing eye strain and fatigue, improving sleep quality, and protecting eyes from harmful UV radiation.

Are there any side effects of blocking blue light with sunglasses?

No, blocking blue light with sunglasses does not have any known harmful side effects. It can improve your overall eye health and provide a more comfortable visual experience.

Can I wear regular sunglasses to block blue light?

Regular sunglasses are not designed to block blue light. To get the full benefits of blue light blocking, you should invest in a pair of sunglasses that are specifically designed for this purpose.

Are there any alternatives to blue light blocking sunglasses?

If you don’t want to wear sunglasses, there are other alternatives to blocking blue light. You can use a blue light filter on your electronic devices, such as a phone or computer screen, or use special blue light blocking glasses that can be worn indoors.


7 Effective Ways to Block Radiation From a WiFi Router Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:36:12 +0000 Read more

block radiation from a wifi router

Wireless radiation emitted by wifi routers is a type of EMF radiation that can be harmful to human health.

This form of radiofrequency (RF) radiation is a type of non-ionizing radiation that doesn’t have enough energy to directly damage DNA, but it can still cause harm by heating up body tissues and disrupting cellular processes.

Long-term exposure to wifi radiation and other forms of EMF radiation can increase the risk of cancer, neurological disorders, and other health problems (source).

Also, read: 10 WiFi Radiation Protection Tips You May Not Know About

How to Block Radiation From a WiFi Router Effectively

Here are 5 ways to block radiation from your wifi router:

1. Use a wifi router guard

One of the easiest and most effective ways to block wifi radiation is by using a wifi router guard.

A wifi router guard is a specially designed cover that can block up to 90% of the radiation emitted by your wifi router. A wifi router guard is easy to install and can be found online or in electronic stores like Amazon (link below).

A wifi router guard works by reflecting the radiation away from your body, rather than absorbing it. This means that you’ll be exposed to much less radiation when you’re near your wifi router.

Some popular materials used for a router guard include copper, aluminum, and mesh. Copper and aluminum are both effective in reflecting radiation due to their high electrical conductivity, while mesh designs offer a lightweight and breathable solution that still provides ample protection against Wi-Fi radiation.

Some wifi router guards may also incorporate a combination of these materials to maximize their effectiveness.

2. Increase the Distance From the Router

Another effective way to reduce exposure to wifi radiation is by keeping a distance between yourself and your wifi router.

Check out my article: Safe Distances for Avoiding WiFi Router Radiation

The further away you are from your router, the further the wifi range and the lesser the strength of the wifi signal. Try to keep a distance of at least 6 feet of wifi range.

If possible, place your router in an area where you don’t spend much time, such as a basement or utility room. This will help reduce the wifi signal strength.

By situating your wifi router in an infrequently used area, you can further reduce exposure to Wi-Fi radiation. This strategy is especially helpful for individuals who are concerned about the potential health risks associated with long-term exposure to microwave radiation.

In addition to maintaining distance and strategically placing your wifi router, you may also consider turning off your Wi-Fi router when it is not in use, such as during the night or when you are away from home. This can help minimize cumulative exposure to Wi-Fi radiation over time.

3. Turn off your wifi router at night

turn off WiFi Router at night

When you’re not using your wifi, turn off your wifi router. This will not only reduce exposure to radiation but also save energy.

Check out my article: Turning Off Wifi At Night – Health Benefits & Ways To Do It

Many routers have a timer function that allows you to automatically turn them off at night or during other times when they’re not needed.

If turning off your router isn’t practical for some reason, consider putting it on a timer so that it’s only on during certain hours of the day.

Many modern routers come equipped with a timer function that allows you to schedule automatic shutdowns during specific hours, such as at night or other times when the wifi router is not needed.

Utilizing this feature can help ensure that your router is only active when it is necessary, further reducing your exposure to radiation.

In cases where turning off your router entirely is not feasible due to specific requirements or circumstances, you can still minimize your exposure by placing the router on a timer.

This way, the router will only be active during certain predetermined hours of the day, reducing the overall time you are exposed to Wi-Fi radiation.

This approach can be especially helpful for individuals who need to maintain a wifi connection for work or other purposes but want to limit their exposure during non-essential hours.

4. Use ethernet cables

ethernet cable

Instead of relying on wifi, use ethernet cables to connect your smart devices to the internet. This will eliminate the need for wifi and reduce exposure to radiation.

Ethernet cables offer several advantages over Wi-Fi connections, making this approach a win-win solution.

Firstly, Ethernet connections tend to be faster and more reliable than Wi-Fi, as they are less prone to interference and signal loss. This can lead to better overall performance and improved user experience.

Additionally, if you have multiple smart devices that require internet access, such as computers, gaming consoles, or smart TVs, using Ethernet cables can actually enhance their performance.

5. Invest in a low-radiation router

low radiation router

If you’re in the market for a new router, consider investing in one that emits less radiation. Look for routers with low SAR (specific absorption rate) values or ones that have been certified by organizations like FCC or ICNIRP.

Check out my top picks for low EMF routers

SAR values indicate the rate at which the human body absorbs energy from an electromagnetic field, such as that emitted by a Wi-Fi router. A lower SAR value signifies that the router emits less radiation, making it a safer choice for your health.

Some popular brands of low-radiation routers include Asus, Netgear, and TP-Link. These routers use advanced technologies to reduce the amount of radiation they emit while still providing fast and reliable internet access.

By investing in a low-radiation router, you can enjoy the benefits of a strong internet connection without compromising your health.

6. Use EMF Blocking Materials

One of the best ways to block wifi radiation is by using EMF blocking materials. Certain materials like aluminum foil, copper mesh, and Mylar can effectively block wifi radiation. Covering your router with these materials can help reduce exposure to harmful radiation.

Aluminum foil is a common household item that can be used as an effective EMF blocker. Simply wrap the router in aluminum foil, making sure to cover all sides of the device. This will create a barrier that prevents electromagnetic radiation from escaping.

Copper mesh is another material that can be used to block wifi radiation. It’s easy to use and can be purchased online or at most hardware stores. Simply wrap the router in copper mesh and secure it with tape or zip ties.

Mylar is a highly reflective material that can also be used as an effective EMF blocker. It’s commonly used for food packaging but can also be purchased as sheets or blankets online. Wrap the router in Mylar and secure it with tape or zip ties.

7. Invest In An EMF Blocker

If you’re concerned about exposure to wifi radiation, consider investing in an EMF blocker like Faraday cages or EMF shielding paint.

Faraday cages are made of conductive materials that create a barrier around electronic devices, preventing electromagnetic fields from entering or leaving the space. They come in various sizes and shapes and can be purchased online or at specialty stores.

EMF shielding paint works similarly by creating a protective barrier. It contains conductive particles that absorb electromagnetic fields, reducing exposure to harmful radiation.

One example of an effective EMF blocker is the DefenderShield EMF Radiation Protection Blanket. It’s made with multiple layers of shielding material that blocks up to 99% of electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic devices like large routers.

Another example is the Smart Meter Guard, which is designed specifically for smart meters but can also be used for routers and other devices. It’s made with a conductive metal mesh that blocks up to 98% of electromagnetic fields.

The Importance of Blocking Wifi Radiation from Your Router

To protect your health and the health of your loved ones, it’s important to guard against the high-frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by your wifi router.

These fields can penetrate walls and affect your family and pets, and prolonged exposure has been linked to headaches, fatigue, and even cancer.

Using shielding materials or devices to block wifi radiation can greatly reduce exposure to these harmful EMFs and keep you and your loved ones safe.

Blocking Wifi Radiation Can Reduce Health Risks

EMFs from sources like cell phones, wifi routers, and power lines can lead to health problems with prolonged exposure to high levels. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, and even cancer.

Shielding materials or devices can significantly reduce these risks, especially for children whose brains absorb more radiation than adults.

Prevent Interference with Neighbors’ Routers

Another benefit of blocking wifi radiation from your own router is that it prevents interference with your neighbors’ routers. When multiple routers are in close proximity they can interfere with each other’s signals causing slower internet speeds or dropped connections.

By blocking wifi radiation from your own router you can prevent this interference which results in a more stable and faster internet connection for everyone in the area.

Identifying Safer Ways to Get Connections Without Wireless Radiation

Use Wired Connections

Wired connections are a safe way to connect to the internet without exposing yourself to wireless radiation.

Ethernet cables provide a direct connection to your modem, eliminating the need for a wireless signal. This means you can use your computer without worry.

Wired connections are also faster, more reliable, and more secure, as it’s harder for hackers to intercept data. They also don’t suffer from interference caused by other devices or physical barriers like walls.

Turn Off Wi-Fi on Your Devices

turn off wifi

To lower your exposure to wireless radiation, it’s important to turn off the Wi-Fi on your devices when you’re not using the internet.

This practice can significantly reduce the radiation emitted by mobile devices, gaming devices, laptops, and tablets, which is particularly important if you spend extended periods near a router or access point.

Most modern smartphones, laptops, and tablets have a wifi toggle switch in their settings menu that makes it easy to turn off.

By doing so, you can significantly reduce exposure to harmful radiation emitted by these devices, especially if you spend long periods of time near a router or access point.

To access this feature, simply navigate to the settings menu on your device, locate the wireless settings, and toggle the Wi-Fi switch off when you’re not using it.

By turning off the Wi-Fi on your devices when not in use, you can substantially decrease your exposure to harmful radiation.

This is especially important if you often carry your smartphone in your pocket or use your laptop or tablet on your lap, as these habits can increase your proximity to the source of radiation.

Use Airplane Mode

Another way to reduce your EMF exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones is by switching them into airplane mode when you’re not making calls or sending texts. Airplane mode disables all radio signals on your cell phone, including cellular data and Wi-Fi.

This means that even if you forget to turn off Wi-Fi manually on your cell phone, it won’t emit any harmful radiation while in airplane mode. You can still use features like GPS and offline media playback while in airplane mode.

Use Landline Phones

Landline phones (not cordless phones) are a safer option for making phone calls as they don’t emit wireless radiation like mobile phones do. If possible, consider replacing your cell phone with a landline phone for voice communication.

Landline phones are also more reliable than cell phones in areas with poor cellular coverage. They don’t require a battery to operate, so you don’t have to worry about running out of power during an important call.

Use a Wired Headset

If you must use a cell phone, use a wired headset instead of holding the mobile phone close to your head. This reduces your exposure to EMF radiation from the cell phone.

Wired headsets come in many different styles and price points, from basic earbuds to high-end noise-canceling headphones. They connect directly to your phone’s audio jack or USB port and allow you to make calls and listen to music without having to hold the device up to your ear.

Using Wired Internet Instead of Wifi for Reduced Radiation Exposure

Wired Internet Connection: A Safer Option Than Using Wifi

In today’s world, the internet is an integral part of our daily lives. We rely on it for work, communication, entertainment, and much more. However, with the increasing use of wireless technology, there are growing concerns about the potential health risks associated with exposure to EMF radiation from wifi routers.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can significantly reduce your exposure to this radiation – using a wired internet connection through an Ethernet cable. This option eliminates the need for wireless signals that emit EMF radiation and is a safer alternative to using wifi.

Hard Wiring Your Modem or Computer

If you work from home or spend long hours online, hard-wiring your modem or computer to the internet using Ethernet cables can significantly reduce your exposure to EMF radiation from wifi routers. This is because Ethernet cables transmit data through electrical wiring rather than wirelessly.

When you connect your device directly to the modem via an Ethernet cable, you eliminate the need for a wifi router altogether. This means that there are no RF radiation emitted in your immediate vicinity and therefore no risk of exposure to harmful EMF radiation.

Additionally, when you use an Ethernet cable instead of wifi, you can enjoy faster and more reliable internet speeds. This is because wired connections are less prone to interference than wireless ones.

Avoiding or Removing Smart Meters and Installing a Smart Meter Guard

smart meter radiation shield

Smart meters emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can be harmful to human health.

To reduce exposure, you can have the smart meter removed and replaced with an analog meter, install a smart meter guard, or shield the area around it using EMF protection paint or a metal cage.

If you have multiple wireless devices in your home, it may be worth investing in EMF protection products like switch covers or shielding paint for your walls.


  • To reduce exposure to EMF radiation from sources like wifi, cell phones, and household appliances, you can use wired internet connections and turn off wireless devices when not in use.
  • Shielding materials like copper mesh or aluminum foil can be used to block unwanted frequencies, but they do not completely eliminate exposure.
  • It’s important to limit exposure to all types of electromagnetic waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, from low-frequency radio waves to high-energy gamma rays, and take proactive measures against EMF exposure.
  • While the risks associated with non-ionizing radiation like wifi signals are not fully understood, it’s important to be mindful of potential risks and take steps to reduce exposure.
EMF From Flat Screen TV – All You Need to Know Sat, 03 Apr 2021 09:25:43 +0000 Read more

I’m always concerned about locating and dealing with sources of EMF radiation around my home. If you’re the same then you’ve likely wondered about EMF from your flat screen TV. Well here’s a quick summary:

Standard flat screen TVs emit very low levels of EMF radiation; the main source is the infrared energy they emit while in use. Smart TVs, however, emit higher levels of EMF radiation because they use RF frequencies for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals for their controllers. This makes them a bigger issue.

Also read: Do Smart TVs Emit Radiation When Turned off?

EMF From Flat Screen TV

In this article, I’ll look at the different types of flat screen TV and how much EMF they emit. I’ll then suggest some ways you can get around this issue.

How Much EMF Radiation do Flat Screen TVs Emit?

Like all electronic devices, flat screen TVs do emit EMF radiation. A large portion of this is in the form of infrared radiation – heat energy that’s a by-product of the screen being powered.

When we’re talking about flat screen TVs, we’re referring to the following:

  • LED
  • LCD
  • OLED

I won’t be discussing plasma TVs because these have generally been phased out by most manufacturers. If you still own a plasma TV, you can find information about their EMF levels elsewhere.

All types of flat screen TV emit some level of extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, which is the same kind emitted by things like power lines.

But because TVs don’t use that much energy, their electric field is relatively small. Providing you sit more than 5ft away you should be fine.

Standard TVs don’t emit RF radiation, which is the type produced by Wi-Fi routers and cellphone towers. This is the type of EMF radiation that people are more concerned about.

Smart TVs, on the other hand, use radio frequencies to communicate with various devices. This is, after all, what makes them “smart”.

Your smart TV will definitely have internet connectivity and will likely also have Bluetooth connectivity so you can play music or videos from your phone on the screen.

One of the biggest issues with smart TVs is that you can’t completely turn off its Wi-Fi connection. Even if it’s not connected to the router, the TV still sends out signals looking for it.

This makes them a bigger cause for concern than something like a cellphone, which you can at least disconnect or turn off. Smart TVs use a range of screen technologies, but most will be OLED because this is a more economical technology to run.

Luckily, this also means you don’t have to worry too much about the EMF radiation coming from the screen because it’s fairly low energy.

In short, your main concern when it comes to EMF from a flat screen TV is radio frequencies associated with smart TVs. Almost every other frequency of radiation from the TV is low enough for you to not be concerned.

How to Avoid EMF from Flat Screen TVs

How to Avoid EMF from Flat Screen TVs

Once you’ve identified what type of flat screen TV you own, it’s worth figuring out what you can do to reduce your EMF exposure from it.

My first suggestion would be to buy an EMF meter if you don’t already have one.

Owning an EMF meter is really the only way to see if your actions make any difference to EMF levels in your home. It’s one thing for me to suggest solutions, but it’s another thing entirely for them to be useful in your home.

So start by taking readings from your TV to see how much EMF radiation it produces. Stay within 2ft of the TV to get the most accurate readings. After taking these readings, try some of these solutions below to reduce EMF exposure from your flat screen TV.

1. Keep your distance

This is a no-brainer, but the easiest way to reduce your exposure is to keep your distance. Realistically this shouldn’t be too hard if you have a large TV.

EMF radiation follows the inverse square law, which means that at double the distance, the intensity of the electric field halves.

You should only need to be about 5ft from the TV for you to avoid the majority of the radiation from the screen.

For radio frequencies from its Wi-Fi connection, you’ll need to be at a distance of around 30ft, if not more.

2. Turn off the Wi-Fi on your smart TV

Some smart TVs will disable the wireless connection when you hook up an Ethernet cable. You can check this using your EMF meter.

However, some TVs don’t stop searching for a wireless signal, meaning you have to take more drastic measures. If setting up a wired connection makes no difference, you’ll need to open the TV up and physically disconnect the Wi-Fi connection.

While this isn’t the easiest thing to do, you can check out this video for a clear guide on how to disable Wi-Fi on your smart TV. When you set up a wired connection, buy an Ethernet cable long enough for you to keep your router at a safe distance.

3. Be careful with the type of TV you buy

This is less of a tip for the TV you currently own but is more advice about the next TV you buy. You might have already got the message, but steer clear of smart TVs. They really offer nothing you can’t get elsewhere.

For example, you can stream from a games console, which can be wired to your router, which reduces RF radiation.

A current model OLED TV without smart features will be the safest model because it’s low energy. Even so, be sure to keep your distance from it.

Some Final Thoughts

I found that EMF from flat screen TVs generally isn’t something to worry about unless you have a smart TV. Then it becomes a standard concern of RF radiation.

The best advice I can give is to just be careful with the type of TV you buy, and, as always, limit the number of wireless internet devices you have around the home.
